
The ANZICS Registry

The ANZICS Registry collects de-identified information on adults and children who are admitted to an intensive care unit (ICU) across Australia and New Zealand. Data held within the Registry helps to contribute to the delivery of world class standards of care across the sector.

98% of all ICUs in Australia contribute data to the Registry and almost 70% in New Zealand.

 Data held within the Registry helps to:

  • Provide an accurate picture of intensive care practice bi-nationally.
  • Inform improvements in care through the benchmarking of ICU outcomes, resources and processes of care.
  • Provide system-wide monitoring and health economic savings.
  • Encourage collaboration across ICUs to share new and innovative treatments.
  • Assist with the timely review and accreditation of ICUs to ensure they meet high standards of care.
  • Assist research into diseases and treatments to save lives and improve the quality-of-life for patients recovering from critical illness. All requests for secondary use of data undergo a formal request process, and where relevant, require Human Research Ethics Committee approval prior to release.
  • Assist health agencies to plan for future ICU service delivery.

The Australian Commonwealth Department of Health has declared the ANZICS Registry as a national quality assurance and improvement activity through the benchmarking of ICU outcomes and performance measures.

ANZICS values the contribution of all ICUs contributing to this important surveillance program to improve outcomes and processes of care for critically ill patients admitted to ICUs across Australia and New Zealand.

For more information, please click on the link below.

Registry Information for Patients and Families Poster