In 2016, a working group from the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society and The College of Intensive Care Medicine developed, refined and published five recommendations to reduce the number of unnecessary tests and interventions performed in intensive care as part of the Choosing Wisely Australia initiative.
In 2016, a working group from the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society and The College of Intensive Care Medicine developed a joint position statement to provide clarity for the intensive care community in the current and future practice of Rapid Response Systems for the deteriorating patient.
The ANZICS Percutaneous Dilatational Tracheostomy Consensus Statement was developed by the ANZICS Safety and Quality Committee in 2010. This statement was derived from the results of a survey of the ANZICS Membership. It is considered a guide of current best practice in the area. The statement was updated in 2014 following a review of literature published since the initial statement. The Committee strongly encourages feedback on the statement, as it is considered a ‘living’ document which is available for regular update as new evidence to guide practice in this area becomes available.
The ANZICS beginners guide to sustainability toolkit is designed to address the issue of climate change with healthcare being a significant contributor to global pollution. The aim of this toolkit is to tackle these challenges by providing practical solutions that intensive care and critical care units can introduce to reduce carbon emissions whilst improving the health of our population. The sustainability toolkit for intensive care collates ideas and actions that healthcare workers can do to deal with this problem. The toolkit provides practical actions for healthcare workers, whether they are doctors, nurses, or any other allied healthcare professional and the role they can play to reduce waste in their unit.
A Beginner Guide to Green Teams In The ICU
Launch of the ANZICS Green Teams In the ICU document at the ANZICS Safety & Quality Conference 2024 Link to the document.
The beginner Guide to Green Teams In The ICU is designed with multiple case examples to assist novice readers and those interested in starting a Green Team. It includes a project tracker to help newcomers launch, monitor, and measure the carbon efficiency and cost savings of their initiatives. Additionally, the guide provides an example of healthcare carbon foot printing and offers a Green Team newsletter template, empowering teams to create their own resources.
A beginner’s guide to Green Teams in the ICU evolved from the Beginners guide to Sustainability
in the ICU 2022 by ANZICS and endorsed by the UK’s ICS. ANZICS and UK’s ICS formed a joint
steering committee and writing group for this Green Teams resource.
Endorsed by the ANZICS Board of Directors: September 2024
Endorsed by ICS Council: September 2024