
Paediatric Intensive Care Research Coordinator Interest Group (PIRCIG)


The ANZICS Paediatric Study Group (PSG) was formed in 2003 by a group of Paediatric Intensivists and Intensive Care Research Coordinators. The aim was to design and conduct multi-centre research in Australian and New Zealand Paediatric Intensive Care Units (PICUs) as well as some adult units that admit children. In 2004 the PSG met at Noosa ANZICS CTG for the first time. Paediatric Intensive Care research has expanded significantly over the past 2 decades. Multisite research being conducted in Australia, New Zealand and internationally has increased dramatically along with the complexity of the research projects.  The PSG is a very collaborative multidisciplinary team of intensivists and research coordinators.

The pivotal role of Research Coordinators (RC) in managing the conduct of clinical trials in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in Australia and New Zealand had gained increased recognition. It has also become apparent that many RCs are working in isolation in this dynamic and demanding environment. Therefore, RCs often lack guidance and support, which could be offered by their peers in different centres. Intensive Care Research Coordinators Interest Group (IRCIG) was formed in 2000 in response to these concerns. Since 2000 the IRCIG group have developed professionally and became a successful dynamic team.

The paediatric research coordinators are members of both PSG and IRCIG. PIRCIG was developed in 2019 because of the specific requirements for the paediatric research coordinators. PIRCIG is a subgroup of both IRCIG and the PSG. The group has been successful in establishing strong communication for support, and promoting professional development


PIRCIG is aligned to the ANZICS PSG mission statement to promote excellence in paediatric intensive care medicine through collaborative clinical research focused on improving patient-centred outcomes.

PIRCIG supports and aims to facilitate the objectives of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group (ANZICS PSG) Mission Statement, which is to promote excellence in intensive care medicine through collaborative clinical research focused on improving patient-centred outcomes.


The specific aims of the PIRCIG are to:

  1. Provide peer support for RC’s and research staff who are responsible for the co-ordination of clinical research in PICU
  2. Assist with communication between RC’s and research staff in PICU’s within Australia and New Zealand
  3. Endeavour to provide and identify professional development opportunities
  4. Promote recognition of the research coordinator role in the success of PICU clinical research
  5. Provide a forum for discussion of issues related to PICU clinical research.
  6. Advise the ANZICS PSG on issues related to the conduct and coordination of PICU research by representation on executive and management committees of studies to ensure the PSG receives PIRCIG input
  7. Promote ICU inter-hospital related research projects.
  8. Promote International collaboration with other groups responsible for the coordination of research in PICU.
  9. To provide a point of contact for coordinators and facilitate participation of paediatric units in selected trials proposed by the ANZICS Clinical Trials Group (ANZICS CTG).
  10. To provide a point of contact for coordinators and facilitate participation of Australian and New Zealand units in international paediatric intensive care trials.