
ANZICS Global Intensive Care Initiative (GICI)


Global health equity in intensive care.

Driven by our core values of equity, cultural sensitivity, transparency, collaboration, sustainability, and excellence.


We support the sustainable development of Intensive and Critical Care in low- and middle-income settings, driven by local needs and values through collaboration and knowledge exchange.


The ANZICS Global Intensive Care Initiative, established in late 2020, unites ICU clinicians specialising in resource-limited settings. With over 150 members globally, the initiative operates through regional working groups promoting collaboration and idea exchange. We currently have working groups for Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the Pacific & PNG, along with our newly founded Research Collaborative. Membership is expanding, and all interested individuals, regardless of their global health experience, are encouraged to register to be a member here.


  • Telehealth education
  • Intensive care training delivery
  • Ultrasound training delivery
  • Support tertiary education in intensive care across the Pacific & PNG
  • Volunteer placements for intensive care professionals
  • Promote global intensive care networking
  • Clinical research workshop delivery
  • And more…


We are always looking for new and innovative ways to create value in the global health sphere. Please contact Alana Karathanasis (Project Manager) at to reach out about potential opportunities and to explore current projects and ways to contribute.

How can I get involved?

Volunteer through Australian Volunteers International (AVI) in various locations across the Pacific. If you have availability for a 3-12 month deployment, please contact the GICI Project Manager at to register your interest or check ANZICS Positions Vacant now

Do you have a special interest in research? Contact to find out how you can get involved.

Volunteer as an instructor

Engage with our Leads involved in your region of interest – details below

Innovation is key, so please reach out with any suggestions or opportunities for engagement

Register to be a member here! 



GICI Leadership
Lewis McLean
Lewis McLean Chair
George Zhou
George Zhou Deputy Chair
Melissa Njoku
Melissa Njoku ACCCN Representative
Nudrat Rashid
Nudrat Rashid Asia Lead
David Ku
David Ku Asia Lead
Grace Huang
Grace Huang Asia Lead
Eamon Raith
Eamon Raith Research Lead
Michael Reade
Michael Reade Research Lead
John Botha
John Botha Africa Lead
Mark Nicholls
Mark Nicholls Africa Lead
Reena Patel
Reena Patel Africa Lead
Mark Collins
Mark Collins Pacific & PNG Lead
Gerard Moynihan
Gerard Moynihan Pacific and PNG Lead
Mackenzie Finnis
Mackenzie Finnis Pacific & PNG Lead
Vanessa Carnegie
Vanessa Carnegie Middle East Lead
Liz Croston
Liz Croston Paediatric Lead
Rhiannon Williams
Rhiannon Williams Communications Lead
Tom Niccol
Tom Niccol MSF Lead
Kirsten Bond
Kirsten Bond MSF Lead