
Education Committee

The ANZICS Education Committee oversees, guides and supports the education and training offerings provided by the Society, ensuring their ongoing evaluation for quality improvement.  Reporting to the ANZICS Board, the Committee aims to promote best evidence and provide relevant professional development opportunities to target the needs of members.

The Committee’s purpose is to:

  1. Provide advice to the ANZICS Board on matters related to education and training of Society members in the form of reports, recommendations and advice.
  2. Increase the strategic focus of ANZICS to the education-related needs of its members, the structure of activities and the capacity of the organisation to deliver education initiatives.
  3. Provide educational support to all members, particularly those in regional and remote areas across Australia and New Zealand, employing a variety of blended learning approaches e.g., face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings, webinars, podcasts and self-directed online learning activities.
  4. Support ANZICS at a bi-national and regional level through:
    • Offering the expertise, experience, contacts and capacity of the Education Committee to support meetings and/ education events e.g., the ANZICS ASM.
    • Anticipating the education and training needs of Society members, identifying gaps and/or deficiencies in available education offerings and exploring new opportunities for future development.
  5. Promote achievements and share the professional learnings.
  6. Increase Society engagement with intensive care trainees through the provision of relevant education and training programs, ensuring standards are met for continuing professional development e.g., a mentorship program/foundational program for new consultants.
  7. Diversify educational offerings through proactively engaging with external organisations and identify content experts to present at Society meetings.
  8. Ensure viability of educational offerings through fiscal responsibility.


The ANZICS Clinical Leadership Program

The ANZICS Clinical Leadership Program provides the opportunity for emerging clinical leaders to build tools and frameworks that will define their leadership purpose, develop skills to negotiate workplace challenges and explore strategies to influence organisational change.

Partners by behavioural strategy firm Neuro, this module on culture communication and leadership is delivered as a two-day workshop with 20 hours of online learning and is part of a bespoke clinical leadership program developed by a multidisciplinary faculty.

Next Program:

18th – 19th September 2024 (8:30am to 5:30pm) – Program now full

University of Technology Sydney – Aerial UTS Function Centre

To find out more or to register click here


Future Program Dates:

The ANZICS Clinical Leadership Program will be delivered in Christchurch on 7-8 April 2025 ahead of the ANZICS Annual Scientific Meeting. Save the date!


Committee Members
Vice Chair
Vacant TAS
Co-Opted Member
Madeline Matthewman
Madeline Matthewman VIC Trainee Representative