You can select the short title below for more information on the study.
DRIVing PrEssure Limited Ventilation in Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure–Randomised Control Trial
Digital Peer Support for ICU Survivors: icuRESOLVE-D (Intensive Care Unit REcovery Solutions cO-Led through surVivor Engagement Digital) Study
PAIN in Survivors of Intensive Care Units (The PAIN-ICU Study): A Prospective, Multi-centre Observational Cohort Study to Determine the Incidence, Risk Factors and Impact of Chronic Pain in Critically Ill Adult Patients Discharged from ICU.
Pilot open-label trial of protocol-based fluid removal vs usual care in critically ill patients on kidney replacement therapy
T4P - The Threshold for Platelets study: a prospective randomised trial to define the platelet count below which critically ill patients should receive a platelet transfusion prior to an invasive procedure
Australasian resuscitation in sepsis evaluation: fluids
Balanced multi-electrolyte solution versus 0.9% sodium chloride as fluid therapy for patients presenting with moderate to severe diabetic ketoacidosis
Brain oxygen neuromonitoring in Australia and New Zealand assessment trial
Bone Loss Prevention with Zoledronic Acid or Denosumab in Critically Ill Women
The Duration of Cardiac Antimicrobial Prophylaxis Outcomes Study: multicentre, adaptive, double-blind, three-arm, placebo-controlled, noninferiority trial examining antimicrobial prophylaxis duration in cardiac surgery
A phase III multicentre blinded randomised controlled clinical non-inferiority trial of cryopreserved platelets vs. conventional liquid-stored platelets for the management of post-surgical bleeding. The cryopreserved vs. liquid platelets trial
CLip II NZ - A phase III multicentre blinded randomised controlled clinical non-inferiority trial of cryopreserved platelets vs. conventional liquid-stored platelets for the management of post-surgical bleeding. The cryopreserved vs. liquid platelets trial
A prospective, multicentre, randomised, doubleblind placebo controlled, stratified phase III trial of epoetin alfa vs. placebo in critically ill trauma patients
A comprehensive national registry on the treatment and outcomes of patients requiring ECMO
Fibrinogen Early In Severe Trauma studY II
Low OxyGen Intervention for Cardiac Arrest injury Limitation
The mega randomised registry trial comparing conservative vs. liberal oxygenation targets
neT ultrafiltration Prescription and Targeting versus Usual NEt ultrafiltration during continuous renal replacement therapy
PREVENTion with SGLT-2 inhibition of Acute Kidney Injury in intensive care
Randomized, Embedded, Multifactorial Adaptive Platform trial for Community-Acquired Pneumonia
SODium BICarbonate for Metabolic Acidosis in the Intensive Care Unit (SODa-BIC): A multicentre, randomised, double-blind clinical trial
Early Sedation with Dexmedetomidine vs. Placebo in Older Ventilated Critically Ill Patients: A Prospective, Multi-centre, Double-Blind, Randomized Controlled Trial.
Short Period Incidence Study of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection
Sedation, Temperature and Pressure after Cardiac Arrest and Resuscitation - The STEPCARE Trial
A multi-centre, prospective, observational study of the process of obtaining consent from potential participants or their substitute decision-makers in the ADjunctive corticosteroid trEatment iN criticAlly ilL patients with septic shock (ADRENAL) Study
Blend to Limit oxygen in ECMO: A randomised controlled registry trial
The clinical outcomes measurement in perioperative medicine, anaesthesia & surgery study
ExtraCorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for 2019 novel Coronavirus Acute Respiratory Disease (ECMOCARD)
Intensive nutrition therapy compared to usual care in critically ill adults: A randomised pilot trial
To determine the role of nutrition in recovery from critical illness,
TARGET point prevalence study
The effect of augmented administration of enteral protein to critically ill adults on clinical outcomes: A cluster randomised, cross-sectional double cross-over, registry-embedded, pragmatic clinical trial
Worldwide assessment of separation of patients from ventilatory assistance