
General Information


Connecting The Intensive Care Community

One in two people will require admission to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) at some stage in their lifetime.  While this may be hard think about, it is reassuring to know that Australia and New Zealand have some of the best outcomes in the world for patients admitted to Intensive Care.

The Society is pleased to support the My Life After ICU website which aims to assist people who have spent time as a patient in an Intensive Care Unit across Australia and New Zealand.

For many people, particularly those who have experienced a prolonged ICU stay, a variety of physical and/or psychological health problems may persist for weeks and months after going home.

Information published on the site aims to tell you more about these health challenges and provide helpful resources to assist recovery.

The site has been developed by Intensive Care doctors, nursing and allied health professionals, as well as former patients who share their personal Intensive Care stories.

Patient-centred care is health care that is respectful of and responsive to, the preferences, needs and values of patients and consumers.1   ANZICS fully supports strategies to develop the health literacy of our community and to actively involve patients, families and care givers to receive timely, tailored and accurate information relating to the practice of Intensive Care medicine.

The information published on the site is based on best evidence but should not replace advice provided by a specialist doctor involved directly in your care.  If you have any questions about a personal circumstance, please speak directly to your doctor.