ANZICS CTG Endorsed Study
International Point Prevalence Study of Intensive Care Unit Transfusion Practices – the InPUT study
Study Description
This study is a prospective, descriptive study and only includes objective data collected as part of routine care. No intervention takes place. ICUs in different world regions will be asked to participate in this study. Each centre can choose a week to participate from several pre-specified weeks. All newly admitted patients on the ICU in that specific week will be included and followed until discharge and/or 28 days (see figure 1 for study flow).
A transfusion event is defined as the administration of a blood derived product or coagulation factor with the aim to treat or prevent anaemia, bleeding and/or coagulopathy. This includes administration of red cell concentrates, platelet concentrates, plasma and coagulation factors including fibrinogen concentrate, cryoprecipitate and prothrombin complex. For each transfusion event, data will be collected prospectively using a questionnaire on prescription behaviour. Also transfusions administered on the operating theatre while admitted to the ICU will be included for analysis.
The daily questionnaire contains clinical and laboratory data. These data include nadir haemoglobin levels, platelet count and INR or PT. This data will be necessary to compare data between patients who did receive a transfusion to patients who did not receive transfusions. Furthermore, information about 24h fluid balance and anticoagulants administration will be collected. Finally after 28 days patient outcome data: length of ICU stay and 28-day mortality will be collected.
Management Committee
A/Prof Zoe McQuilten (PCI), Dr Andrew Flint, Dr Lisa Higgins, Prof Erica Wood, Mr Richard McAllister, Dr Ary Serpa Neto, Mr Tony Trapani, Dr Karina Brady, Mr Alex Poole (PM), Ms Yan Chen
Administering Institution
Monash University
Sample Size
4000 patients
National Blood Authority
Alex Poole (email)