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Asia Pacific Intensive Care Symposium (APICS) 2023
August 18, 2023 - August 20, 2023
Dear colleagues and friends,
It gives me great pleasure, as the ANZICS Organising Chair, to extend an invitation to join us at the Asia Pacific Intensive Care Symposium in Singapore in August 2023. Brought to you by SICM and ANZICS, APICS has established itself as the premier platform for critical care professionals, researchers, and educators from the Asia Pacific region and beyond to share their knowledge and experiences.
The current global situation has highlighted the importance of intensive care, and the challenges faced by critical care providers in the Asia Pacific region. APICS will serve as a reminder of these challenges and will focus on the need for a collaborative approach to address them.
We are excited to offer a high-quality scientific program, featuring pre-conference workshops, lectures, and interactive discussion forums as featured on our website. The program will highlight cutting-edge research, technological advancements, and innovative quality and education strategies aimed at improving patient outcomes for adults and paediatric critically ill patients alike. Additionally, we will explore methods to improve staff wellbeing, sustainability, and teamwork.
Registration is now open by means of our website. We also encourage and invite researchers to submit Abstracts for the 2023 Asia Pacific Intensive Care Symposium. The submission deadline is the 31st of May 2023. Please refer to the website for a list of topics and guidelines
We also invite you to follow the conference in the run up to August by joining our various social media platforms. This provides a means of interacting with the conference organisers and gives insight into the program and speakers.
Follow us on the platforms below:
APICS 2023 considers its mission to address global health challenges, provide an arena to foster global networking and a forum to highlight opportunities relevant to critical care.
We look forward to welcoming you to Singapore!

Dr Christian Karcher
ANZICS Organising Chair