An Introduction to the ANZICS Adult Patient Database for data collectors, clinicians and those interested in using ICU registry data to improve patient outcomes. Wednesday 19th February 2025 If you are a newly appointed data collector or a clinician wanting to know more about the ANZICS Adult Patient Database, please join us for this informative seminar. The program will cover: An introduction to the ANZICS Clinical Quality Registry An overview of the Australian and New Zealand Risk of Death…
Find out more »The ANZICS Clinical Leadership Program Clinical Leadership in ICU: Culture, Communication and Resilience 7th – 8th April 2025 Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre Intensive care is a complex clinical environment providing unique challenges not experienced in other healthcare settings. Through this lens, the ANZICS Clinical Leadership Program provides the opportunity for emerging clinical leaders to build tools and frameworks that will refine their leadership purpose, develop skills to negotiate workplace challenges and explore strategies to influence organisational change. Partnered by…
Find out more »What’s below the surface when your ICU’s above the line? When success isn’t what it seems. The ANZICS ICU Outlier Management Program. So you’ve been flagged as an ICU outlier and the CEO wants to meet. The clock is ticking and you need to make sense of the data to find a solution. Where do you start? What do you do? Using a fictional case example, you will analyse ICU benchmark data from the Adult Patient Database, Critical Care…
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